hi, sorry about the long delay. i apolergise, please forgive me.
there are many questions like you last one, i have spent alot of time replying to them. if you where to check in the hidden corners im sure ya will find them. lol. if not i went ahead and found something
so my searching skill have somewhat made a sudern retreat..
i guess i will have to explain it to you lol. *ps im in a happy mood for no apparnt reason lol :/*
ok, the basics of most psi skills invold what we call a link, or in other words a connection. This link wiether in or out bond, sending/reciving for common tounge, is directly used to in such abilites as emapthy. what this tells you is quite simple, a shield or other protectivematter will in the makers best efforts to stop these in bound links. granted that sometimes these things go much deeper than most simple minded humans would think. more on that in amomment.
as you have stipulated that your shield often falls apart on you, and i will give several posabiblites for this. a humans mind, body and spirit are all directly controlled by will. free will for this matter, wiether conciously or sub-conciously controlled. it is still free will.
in other words your shields are falling apart due to you either wanting to, or sub-c wanting to, to connect to these people.
altho that is matter of mental disapline, lol ive been having a hard time with this matter also. humans arnt perfect thankfully, its the flaws in wich make us, make out spirit, our ego, our personallity.
by now you probibly have some idea of what im talking about, beacuse we all have someone on our mind in wich we care about. we constantly thinking how is this person, or people. in doing so and unfortunaltly we creat a link to these people and hay presto back to square one, or in other words having a giant sign on your house saying, "rob me".
what are these other connections that i speak of? im sure you smart cookies have at least got an idea right!. ill give you a hint, who do you love and spend the most time around... think about it, wait wait, yes. your family! great choice, Ace!
sometimes connections can be seen as bonds, bonds such as family, good friends etc. these are the kind of links that can cause havok to some empaths. you will find that everysingle human will have natural links, in the light as "bonds". the more you spend time with these people, the natrualy proccess happens where these bonds will grow so strong that even with out knowing it, they apear.
welcome to reality, the human conciouness and the one thing that most people fail to realise, natural occoring connections.
so what do we do about all this then? is there an answer, the end of this seemingly unforfilling flaw. well i would be lieing if i said no, now wouldnt i?
one word, "de-tachment", this will be your key to success, your way beyond you abilities, and your peers. can you guess why we do this? yes good! no more links, naturaly occoring bonds, and end to people dragging you down and good bye to senseing peoples emotions. i would like your ideas on how you would acheve this. i want to see you use that seemingly unused grey matter, umm used?
i do exersise a cation of warning, for the obviouse reasons. i have notably found some side affects as i have been completely detached from people on this earth for almost a year now. my family, friends, anyone really they just seem to not feel whole. there seems to be an empty space inside of me, unforfilld. i love my friends, family but due to no apparent bonds they dont feel it from me. to them im cold and empty, yet they know im funloveing and freindly.
i detached for 1 purpse, to avade attacks from people trying to destroy me, human or other wise. i have 1 reson why i chose this, to protect the poeple i love and cherish. and that means the world in what i watch over and grow to love more every day i live.
*sigh im depressed again, oh bother lol* im so moody
your friend