takle your angelic question coz "im in the know"
There are many people out there, including some people on this boared infact who do have what i call phantom wings, just like myself. In circle we have learnt that when we connect with our angel self, or an angel concouness we develop/manifest wings that come out of our shoulders. At first and to many people these wings are gray in colour and are feather like, and with time they will change colour depending on your grouth spiritually and physicaly. Ie more service to the man upstairs to helping people who are homeless; that sort of thing.
It is also interesting to know that the amount of wings you have can be matched to the angelic heiracy, for eg 2 wings means you have connected to angel concouness, where if you have more lest say 6 wings you have connected to sheprin *spelling is off, but off the top of my head...* so it is a 'good' things that you have these angelic wings.
projection coming from me is like an engernere trying to explain how to build a house, when you dont really have a clue. But your in luck, i have a little more socoial skills than an engenere.
Ok try breaking down the steps of how ;you; project. Its important to analys each step and know you are doing it right. It is also important to have proper intent and a rough idea on 'where' you wish to project to. 60% of the time people have made succesful proejction but lack the experience to know that they have. So dont be so quick to gudge that you have failed.
secondly is sight, i know i have a huge drama about seeing. I knew i had projected and i had people tell me etc, but my sight haddnt developed. Altho that took a long long time, i got there in the end.
so lets say im somone knew and i wrote down how i projected.
i layed on my bed
i closed my eyes and quiented my mind, while relaxing my body
i gave clear intend on where i wish to proejct to, i decided to the end of my bed.
i started the method which best siuted me, the rope method works the best for me so i shall use that.
i can feel my astral self being pulled out of my body, i know to see and most importantly feel my way out of my body.
i cant see to well but i know im out of my body, i know im hovering near my ceiling.
In my mind i try to visulise where i wanted to go, i feel myself moving though the air towards the ground.
I wish to practice on my site, i can see some hazzy object near my feet, i know my sterio is there what dose it really look like, i now try and focus to see it.
I have to go now, so i will return to my body, i slowly open my eyes. take a few deep breaths and once i have collected myself get up.
i try to recall what i have felt and seen, knowing next time i will do it better.
This is like something i used to do, go though my mind with a sort of checklist. There are many diffrent ways to see when you are projecting, and i would say that astral sight *seeing with your mind* is the better one to develop.
I hope that helps, if you do find once you have writen down you steps what you haveing the most trouble with dont hesitated to ask something persific. we are always here to help.